Main Subjects = English Litertature
Real Worlds and Text Worlds in Doris Lessing’s The Grass is Singing and Martha Quest

Volume 7, Issue 1, October 2024, Pages 19-35


Bahar Bahmani Komasi; Morteza Lak; Farid Parvaneh

Xenophobia in Media: Reconstruction of Subjectivity in Iqbal Al-Qazwini’s Zubaida’s Window

Volume 7, Issue 1, October 2024, Pages 37-52


Mahshid Namjoo; Leila Baradaran Jamili; Negar Sharif

The Improvisation of Power and Shakespeare’s Second Tetralogy: A Greenblattian Approach

Volume 7, Issue 1, October 2024, Pages 71-94


Azita Zamani; Zahra Bordbari; Javad Yaghoobi

A Traumatic Analysis of the First-level Witnessing Effective Enlistment in Bennett and Komunyakaa's Poems

Volume 7, Issue 1, October 2024, Pages 151-166


SeyedehYasaman Ghodsi; Narges Montakhabi Bakhtvar; Razieh Eslamieh

Ethics of Truths and the Diasporic Novel: Radical Ethics in Ben Okri's The Famished Road

Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2024, Pages 19-34


Maryam Soltan Beyad; Behzad Sadeghian Fard

Julian Barnes’s Flaubert’s Parrot and the Writerly Text

Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2024, Pages 149-169


Vali Gholami; Payam Babaie

Translators' Agency in Persian Fansubbed Movies: A Paratextual Analysis

Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2024, Pages 195-215


Nima Noushmand; Milad Miraki

The Nomadic Distribution in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando: A Deleuzian Reading

Volume 6, Issue 1, October 2023, Pages 1-18


Mohammad Marandi; Zohreh Ramin; Fatima Sadat Yahyapoor

Cyborgian Virtual: Hybrid Subjectivity in William Gibson’s The Peripheral

Volume 6, Issue 1, October 2023, Pages 101-119


Najaf Ali Babazadeh; Razieh Eslamieh; Ayoub Dabiri

Domestic Violence in Allende's Violeta

Volume 6, Issue 1, October 2023, Pages 137-157


Vida Rahiminezhad; Haider Kadhim Jalil. AL-Mosawi

Disability as Narrative Prosthesis in Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol

Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages 1-13


Farshid Nowrouzi Roshnavand; Sara Saei Dibavar